Saturday, August 15, 2015


Rain drizzled into the gape on my face as I made my way over to Oneohtrix Point Never's studio. I went to the front desk but nobody seemed to know anything about the interview. Finally at a quarter to twelve (fifteen minutes before the interview was supposed to start) a woman from the label appeared. We then waited together in the foyer, what we were waiting for I don't know. The process was delayed because of some misunderstanding between management about schedules. I was going to be the first of two journalists. The other two, who were also in the foyer I think were twins, maybe nine years old so they were counted as one journalist. At half past twelve I see Bendrix, Lopatin's guru who I recognized from a party at Flow's condo museum. He arrived with a bucket of lubricant which was cool and he's a nice guy in general. He asked me for my name and took me down to an oubliette. I had been there a few times to hang out already but I didn't remember the dungeon entrance being yellow. He lead me to the back of a cage where there was a murphy door. On the other side of the door were a series of hallways. Eventually we boarded an elevator. We spent some time riding the elevator, switching elevators multiple times. It felt like maybe we were no longer underneath the studio. Bendrix kept talking about the architecture but I wasn't sure if he was joking or not. We reach the room and the door is opened by Lopatin. After complimenting him on his Gigeresque hat (the guru not Lopatin, he had no ponytail, no hat, only short hair on his head, no signs of hair loss), we sat down in a small cold room (I should have brought a jacket) and started the interview. First I mentioned to him that the questions were put together by some 20 some odd OPN fans from around the world via e-mail. This got no obvious reaction from Lopatin, so I just started asking the questions.

Daniel: I'm sorry that I'm late. I had to do some shopping. I'm trying to catch up on shopping. I've been staying here late.

E: I know, I saw you leave the studio last night.

D: Really?

E: Yeah I watching you from behind some trash cans.

D. Oh. The Video Impact trash cans?

E: Yeah. I rented Get A Life. It was good to hear from you, I was surprised...

D: My publicist was surprised.

E: I have a bunch of questions for you and I want to focus on the new record. Did you lay down all the parts?

D: Yeah.

E: Were you using the Andromeda a lot?

D: Sometimes but mostly Zebra.

E: Glass (Bendrix) told me you really cranked it up at the listening party... did you break any eardrums?

D: Well, those guys all came by the studio one night after they finished work and I was mixing. I played it for them. I cranked it. It was way too loud. It wasn't even enjoyable to listen to but we were kind of psyched on it.

E: I hear a lot of influences, Kaoss Edge, even some early Karnivore... dare I say my new stuff?

D: Yeah that's all true.

E: Did you play my demos for Steven Hill?

D: Yeah.

E: Okay so what was your inspiration for Sticky Drama? It's a very dark, gloomy story. What is that based on?

D: Watching a lot of Vevo... and standing in my bathroom with the lights off.

E: What do you do once the lights are off?

D: Basically I'm just seeing how long I can stand in the bathroom with the lights off before I freak out.

E: I Bite Through It has a similar vibe. Was that one also inspired by a bathroom scenario?

Bathroom Scenario
D: I Bite Through It is more about the physicality of biting through something, like what it actually feels like.

E: Did you bite anything when you wrote it?

D: Yeah probably.

E: Interesting. Dominic Fernow's vocals on Sticky Drama are really good, please comment on that...

D: That's not actually Dominic. It's just inspired by Dominic. He was shocked when I showed him the multitrack and there was a section named after him.

E: Yeah, well, what can you do...

D: (Laughing)

E: Yeah, it's amusing!

D: It's nice to see you. You look great. Your face really cleared up.

E: You're cruel towards me.

D: Yeah, I MEANT it...!

E: I think my favorite track besides Sticky Drama is Ezra, named after me I presume?

D: Yeah.

E: A troll move?

D: You're a real life troll so I don't view it as inflammatory.

E: We have some history though. So I kind of suspected that it might have been.

D: I actually like you a lot. I thought your R Plus Seven review was intriguing. Plus a 3.5/5 is respectable.

E: Maybe by EDM standards but in school that's like a C-.

D: Oh yeah.

E: Another track I liked was the depressing ballad Animals. Any cool backstory to that?

D: It was last minute. I wanted to write a medieval cyberballad. Like the musical equivalent of Black Knight.

E: It's going to get a lot of airplay, or so I've heard...

D: Yeah.

E: This record is going to be your Play is what we're saying at Kaossed. What were Nate and Rafman's reaction to hearing the record?

D: Very positive. You know we talked a little bit about it. They gave me a pat on the back and said "well done." But we've moved on to the current project, which is a short film for Sticky Drama, and figuring out how to play these songs live.

E: Sounds stressful (laughing).

D: (Laughing) By the way I didn't feel any dissatisfaction with what you and I accomplished last winter. I think it was an opportunity for us to do something cool and set a goal and a challenge ourselves to see it through.

E: We would have accomplished more together if it were not for my skin condition. Once I left, you had more time to focus, which is great...

D: I had the time and that is important but I also missed you and enjoyed what we did together.

E: My present to you, reversing your infection. Which is also selfish because I got to visit Sardinia. Did you use my files?

D: Yeah, I'm hosting your deformed eggs. 

E: If you finished the record and Warp said to you "this is bad" and it wasn't going to get released, would it have bothered you? 

D: I would have put it out on Tidal.

E: That wouldn't have changed anything. But they like it, so they are giving you a million dollars?

D: (Laughing) Yeah. How was Sardinia?

E: It was okay. There are a lot of horses there. 
Did you purposely intend to make each song different?

D: As in... ?

E: I mean why not just choose one song, and have it play twelve times?

D: It's my choice, as an artist to put twelve different songs next to eachother I guess.

E. I don't know. How was it working with Les Claypool?

D: I didn't work with Les Claypool.

E: So what is all the bass made of?

D: Software.

E: Okay, I won't pursue that. Can we expect the next OPN album to carry over some of this more aggressive energy? The last time I was here you stated that's been kind of what you've been wanting to do and you keep on taking it further and further. Do you anticipate it going even further? Moving the primalcy to the forefront?

D: Well yeah.

E: Okay basically what I want to do now is ask you questions that your fans emailed me. We're in the temporary autonomous zone now. I don't know how you'll feel about these Qs. How will you feel? Because me personally I'm not going to ask you questions about hypergrunge...

D: Yeah, I don't mind the idea of it. I don't want to say that I'm too busy to do something like that.

E: Because obviously you're not...

D: (Laughing) Okay?

E: I'm predicting that your next album is going to be this explosion type of thing...

D: Wow (Laughter). Is that a question? Like the next one after this?

E: I'm really looking forward to that one. Tour is eminent, is it not?

D: Yeah, we just haven't talked about how we want to do it, or when.

E: Were you pleased with the way the R Plus Seven tour schedule was segmented?

D: It was segmented well. Nothings written in stone regaring tour. There's just a tentative plan. We need to work out the special effects.

E: Would there be a tour video in store possibly? Featuring special effects? It would be nice for people to see it in the privacy of their homes.
D: Maybe. Unless I become very famous, then I will want to just dissapear and not put out any tour videos.

E: Yes we heard all about Tupac. It was a big, publicized thing.

D: I shouldn't have said that cause then I'll start hearing it all over the place. When are you dissapearing? Are you dissapearing soon? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...

E: On the R Plus Seven shows you were so active on stage, bobbing your head up and down.


D: Thanks.

The next question is "why and how was it decided to do a new record? Did you decide yourself? What reasons did you have? Do the long periods of absence make a difference?"

D: I decided myself. 
Punitively but yeah.

E: Who actually controls your destiny? Your manager or the label?

D: I would say manager. He's scary.

E: He is? My manager only speaks Yautja. More backstory now?


D: Well I went on USA tour with Nine Inch Nails and Soungarden and spent long car rides thinking about how I got from puberty to now. That's how it started.

E: "Don't you get tired/bored with touring?"

D: No I like it.

E: "What is the timetable for the rest of the year as far as vacations, writing new material and recording is concerned? When can we expect a new album? Does it begin with the letter R?" 

D: The record is finished. I've spent most of the summer thinking about how I want to present it. I started writing in January, and wrapped up in July. It'll be out in November. It's called
Garden of Delete or G.O.D. for short. The R thing is over. 

E: (Laughing). This one is personal - what ethos does Flow's music and the Kaoss Edge community represent to you?

D: It's nihilist/formalist. Kaoss/Edge.

E: Would you describe the new record as cybermetal? Hypergrunge? 

D: It's somewhat influenced by cybernetic rock. I'm aware of the hypergrunge movement. When I went on tour with NIN, Reznor gave me the green light to attempt cyberdrone for Soundgarden audiences in broad daylight. By the time Soundgarden hit the stage their fans were exausted, often irritated. So that was interesting, however the whole thing had me questioning the effectiveness of cyberdrone beyond the Live Nation context.

Tour ended and I spent time in Japan working on Manabu Namiki remixes and new songs by Anohni. When I got back home I decided to get a Kronos and I would just write using that a lot. I also got a deck of T2 trading cards which I was using as a sort of tarot.

E: Yeah I could hear the influence of Terminator on this album a lot more than your previous albums. Especially on the track Lift, which reminds me of a Cyndi Lauper track if Brad Fidel was involved.

D: Yeah that one for me is like a very tragic mid-tempo ballad in the spirit of Janie's Got A Gun, but I see your point about Cyndi Lauper.

E: Well she has the best hooks. What are the lyrics about?

D: It was based on a series of texts I sent from a party. Basically its about texting and codependency. I got the title from the chair in the my studio.


E: And this is not the same "Lift" as Radiohead recently announced, in the press? 

D: It's different.

E: In what sense is it different? Skip that. "In your earlier music there are some very obvious literary influences, Emil Cioran being the most concrete example of this. Lately it seems that you are either using them less, or making them more obscure. Is this a conscious effort?"

D: Julia Kristeva.

E: She wrote Puss's Infinitude?

D: Your biography. Personally I would rather be an immortal pussing teenage troll from another planet being pulled forwards and backwards at the same time than be human. I know you see it differently.

E: I love my body, it's just that all the code is in the puss, and since I'm always excreting, I can't fix the code. 

D: The only reason you think you're deformed is because other people look at you like you are. To quote Neil Peart, "Each another's audience Outside the gilded cage."

E: That reminds me of something Drew Masters said in M.E.A.T Magazine once their underrated album Counterparts. He described the term "counterparts" as both duplicate and opposite. Neil Peart said that "contraries are reflections of eachother and not contradictions." Perhaps you could mention some specific readings now - books that have influenced you.

D: Daddy's Boy by Chris Elliot.

E: Someone asks, "what was your inspiration to be a musician or producer?"

D: Allan Holdsworth, Roddy Bottum, The Dust Brothers, Rupert Hine, Matt Wallace, Stevie Wonder, Peter Collins, Bob Rock, Geddy Lee, Daft Punk.

E: "What keyboard players influenced you most as a teenager? Did you attempt to emulate them?"

D: Jens Johansson, Geddy Lee, Roddy Bottum, McCoy Tyner, Jan Hammer, Lothar Krell, Harold Faltermeyer Mike Rutherford, Chris Squire, Ray Manzarek, I like bass players who play lead keybs.

E: "What one bit of advice would you give to a young keyboard player who's just getting started?"

D: Get in the habit of watching instructional vids. Try to do it every day. After a while your skill level will increase. 


At this point my scalp starting itching and I felt like I was gonna pass out. I tried to hug Oneohtrix but he refused, siting last month's "infection" as the reason (even though I gave him serum).  

Thanks to Pamala from RVD, Klit and Morpho for the free drinks. Thanks Bass Player magazine for their 1992 interview with Geddy Lee. Thanks to Steve Streeter for his Alex Lifeson Interview in A Show of Fans #13, Winter 1996. Thanks to PWRWINDOWS for their transcripts. Thanks to to all the people who mailed me questions:

Idavd S. Schmitd, Ibrna Daenils, Honj Q. Uiclpb, Rkam Tpseh, Scott Aidvd Dlay, Eric W. Aernsdon, Steve E. Odgsolel, Raibn Locyb, Mttaehw Oohlicl, Scott Oujaiqm, Hicr "Rbs3516@Atvrxi.bitnet", Nke F. "Exslrt", T J Omore-Daer, "Cmcevy@Ylovax.iebntt", Ron Weisnma, Grgeg Ajegre, Wnaey Butlest, Adve Agzse, Etro "You'll egt oyur opsctard!" Avlonken, Hjno Michale Nastreo, Htsoma Beoadiun, Evkain Kalihchi, Idadv Sandergb, Dwae Wlimslia, Tom Ohmlaitn, Othr "Ecarnc" Oievrns, Tucner Vgeun, Alrry Aslomno, Npnuiaa "odubel-hand ovrscsoer" Kkaaa, Naldlra Astrk, Eptre "Iu1T@Undiak2.bneitt", Odug White, Avde "Tdg@Vnwvms.tbneti" 


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  2. Very entertaining and informative Thankyou very much! (Laughing)

  3. The new album sounds as though it'll be totally cyber. Can't wait.

  4. Replies
    1. I would be very interested. Perhaps we can help another?

    2. there is a website they put up that requires a username and password. i've been looking everywhere for the username and password on Ezra's blog but im 100% sure that its right under my nose. could be on his "No G.O.D." post. idk hopefully thatll help out.

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  31. I just want to say a very big thank you to from today till death is and will forever be my best cell phone monitoring plug this hacker is to perfect at his job, I got all I needed with out trace from this hacker….


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  38. I noticed at night my wife communicates with her MD via text messages and I have been really putting an eye on them but yet after her conversations she deletes all, and I keep asking my self what is going on which made me cross the line by going in search of a hacker to get this done for me was the perfect hacker that could come through for me. This hacker provided me with all my wife deleted text messages that she has been deleting for the past 5 months since she stared this job and after going through all her deleted messages with her MD at the office it really came to my notice that my wife has been having a strong secret affair with her MD all thanks to this hacker made my dream come through am really impressed with the kind of services to render to people.. Good job

  39. I got engaged by my man few days back not knowing this same Man has been secretly having an affair with my best friend and I got to know with the help of whom I hired today to hack my man phone because I noticed some changes in my man and the only way I could find out is by having access to his phone remotely, I got lucky came through for me that was how I figured out the intimacy between my man and my best friend all thanks to you jeajamhacker what a good way to start 2022 thank you.

  40. Just because I have been crippled and currently on a wheelchair my wife now treats me like a piss off sheet I had to even hire a hacker to know what she has been up too, after this hacker broke into her phone and gave me access to her phone without physical access to her phone I saw that my wife is now on a dating site named looking for men for dates I might be crippled but am smarter than she thinks all thanks to this hacker

  41. All thanks to you this hacker is really God sent with this hacker I caught my cheating spouse red handed without stress.

  42. My husband ex has been stocking me and yet have been wondering why my husband and his ex broke up, I kept asking my husband questions but yet he wont say a word so I hired a hacker to get me the truth about them, so this hacker hacked both my husband phone and his ex then fished out there deleted messages from the time they broke up with now and I saw so many hidden things my husband never talked to me about all thanks to you you are indeed the BEST.

  43. I hacked my boyfriend iPhone with the help of am still surprised though because I never knew things like this works not until granted me access to my boyfriend iPhone without trace am very much happy for this thank you so much and all was done at a very affordable price

  44. After my search on my wife’s phone with the help of I figured out my wife has been secretly sleeping with my dad, I can’t thank you enough you are the best, gaining access to my wife’s phone showed me another part of my wife I didn’t know about since we got married.

  45. Lol my wife always thinks she is smart, I hacked her phone 2 hours ago with the help of and I saw a text that came in from her sugar daddy saying my wife should meet him up at 6pm lol at 7 I called my so called wife but she lied she was still at the office thank you

  46. Get hidden secret messages from your partners phone with the help of and thank me later, this is the hacker that works for me also and I got a lot of testimonies about on his great services.


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  48. I just want to say a big thank you to my friend for referring me to all I needed to see on my spouse cell phone was all given to me by this hacker without trace thanks a lot

  49. Kept asking my wife if she has slept with one of her friend a guy who she clammed to be partners in school with and all but she kept saying she has not, then it got me worried so I hired to know if there was anything between them, after this hacker hacked my wife phone, mehn I saw a lot that proved that my wife has slept with this guy and still sleeping with him even right under my nose.

  50. Lol am happy that I could unlock my spouse WhatsApp remotely with the help of, This works like magic mehn all thanks to you never believed this works till I used services.

  51. I am very happy with the results I got from after I was able to hack into my partners WhatsApp without logging my partner out of his WhatsApp, I have been monitoring my partner WhatsApp messages for 3 months now and the plan is still very much active so I am here to appreciate for the good work.

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  53. A very quick advice. Do not entertain your husband keeping female friends. My husband had a female best friend and keeps telling me there is nothing between them, but hey when I hacked his phone with the help of I saw a lot, my husband and his female best friends are more than just friends I found out with the help of this hacker today after ran a phone hack on his phone and I saw that my husband has been cheating on me with his female best friend like he claim they are. My happiness is that I got the right hacker who carried out this job in a very silent mode without notifications of my husband.

  54. My husband was flirting on his friend wife while we where having dinner together, after a month I decided to hire same hacker my friends always use in catching there cheating spouse (, after I was able to gain access to my husband phone I saw a lot about my husband and his friend’s wife, I felt so disappointed at the man I call my husband but thank you so much I really appreciate your help.

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  56. My husband has been lying to me for weeks now, always hiding to take his calls when ever I catch him in the act he lies to me that it’s all about frustration of work and all but I was never convinced with what he has been telling me so I decided to hire a hacker online, luckily for me I found a reliable hacker who has worked successfully for people so I hired this hacker for a phone hack, the job was a success and I got access to all applications my husband uses, I was able to read hidden messages, deleted text messages, listened to previous calls and many more. I found out that my husband has been seeing his EX for months now and she is threatening to expose him about there relationship together if he doesn’t divorce me and get married to her tho I could not just believe my husband will go running after his EX but am glad I know the whole truth now. Thank you for this phone hack that brought the whole truth out without trace so for this am really thankful.

  57. Am so thankful to you for a successful gmail hack, that I never thought I could access remotely but contacting you made it easy for me, thank you once again.

  58. Today i discovered a lot with the help of that I never knew about my husband, but hacking into his Emails without notifications or trace Brought a lot about my husband which I never knew about for years. Thank you so much I really appreciate this. Although this is my second time working with you and you always deliver to me 100% without me having any regrets thank you once again.

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