Well, I was fixing my muffler, while everybody was standing aroud. (Which is hard to do while it's still hot) gave up, looked up, and all my friends had ditched me, and I had to hang around with Audrey's friends who I didn't know.. but half of them turned out to be the little brothers of my friends, who I went to see Karnivore with.) I watched the Entrail Girls.. who seemed pretty cool... then we wandered, and I was jumped by some crazy asshole who turned out to be Boner.. who was damn glad I was me and not some guy that would want to kill someone who jumped on them. Mike showed me where he was sitting.. I sat and talked to him for a while.. and I heard people shouting my name.. he was about 6 feet from about 20 people from my school (including Wonko The Sane, but only people on my board know of him) Well, I was due to meet Pamala at the trashcan so I left my
friends who were sitting by the way-cool tree.
Pamala decided we'd sit WAY in back so people wouldn't see us smoke anything illegal.. I then wandered.. my only goal to find my true friends.. especially
Tyrone.. who was who I wanted to hang with most.. I wandered and bumped into someone who had hair just like mine.. we stared at each other for about 5 minutes.. when finally he said "FREAK!" and walked off... I wandered once more.. I bumped into Dork, who came with the 20 people from my school, and was sitting with them, so I siad i'd stop by later and chat with him.. I then bumped into some freaky person with a cute butt... he turned out to be Morgue.. we were both very happy at this point, and started walking and hanging out..
we had our arms on each others shoulders which is compleatly normal.. he then took me to where everyone else was.. he gave me a hug.. which surprised me, because I've always thought she hated me,
and I was nothing more than a mere <jerk> to her... Dork made me go in the pit. I think it was during Flow's solo set.. some guy landed on me, and somehow kicked me in the balls real hard.. it hurt, and I wanted out.. BLECH!
I decided to go chech out Skorn.. and maybe
bump into Tyrone again... Instead I bumped into my dog.. and then proceeded to be an asshole for about 2 hours... once every ten minutes or so. I lost my dog and ended up in the pit.. I was about 1 foot and a half (third person) from the stage when Kaoss Edge. started.. I had already bumped into everyone I ever met before in my life.. and I bumped into Dork many many many times.. In the pit, I also bumped into the guy with hair like me who called me a freak.. we laughed..There was some loud noise.. and they started taking the set down.. this made me mad.. I started yelling vulgaritys.. to calm down the people, they started hosing us down.. the security guard hosing us down was none other than Pamala's Uncle.. I started yelling his name, Krustin, and he saw me.. I got a whole bunch of people to yell 'give Krustin a raise, give thom a raise'... They took the their Gear that was hanging down. they accomplished this by dropping it on us.. it hurt a lot.. but they warned us to cover our heads.. I caught a peice of it, and stuffed it in my pocket.. a souvenir which now hangs above my bed... Kaoss killed it... but then Thrage came on.. I proceed to be smooshed next to some girl with
large breast.. although I didn't mind.. she did, and so did her boyfriend.. who punched me and I started to bleed from the nose ... Iyelled 'help' but no one cared... I was not up to moshing to Thrage.. so I made my way outward.. I wandered and saw
someone I knew... she said my nose was bloody, and I said 'at least I saw Edge in the flesh'... her boyfriend then noticed that my shorts were bloody too.. this frightened me.. because my assholeness made me forget my pain.. so Iforgot abot the punctured leg.. which is a dumb thing to do, especially if it's still in the wound.. she made me take my shorts off.. I think I made some sexual comments.. but then I don't remember.. I woke up.. she was gone, and my souvenir was in my hand.. and my face was no longer on my body. I
was relieved when I found my shorts.. I stumbled up.. and wandered around in the dark.. I bumped into a naked female, who I wish I knew,but I didn't.. so then I went to go see Krang.. I got bored.. so I got a shirt and left to go find my car..oh yeah.. sometime during this I saw Fishhead.. but I decided to be an asshold
before they were done. (sorry lurch <E>)